Session 6: Human Resource Essentials

What I wish I knew about HR when I first became a leader/manager!

This session explores several areas that new managers without HR training need to know. When and how to document conversations with staff, pitfalls to avoid in applying discipline, what it means (and why it’s important) to consistently apply policy, some lessons from experienced managers on where they made their “early mistakes”. How do you navigate the fact that your organization says it values transparency and accountability with the reality of HR confidentiality?

Session Materials

Session Feedback

Recording: October 25th 2021

Session 6: Reflection Questions:

  • Describe and analyze a performance scenario from your real-life experience where you were
    either the supervisor providing the information or the staff member receiving it.
    1.a) What things happened in that interaction that you feel were: supportive practices for
    the staff member, supportive practices for risk management, not supportive for the staff
    and not supportive of risk management.
    1.b) What could have been done differently for those items that were not supportive?
  • Provide your top 10 list of things/tips for leaders to remember related to HR that you
    have either learned from this webinar, or in your work experience to date.
    The tips will be synthesized and circulated to all webinar participants.

Submission Instructions:
Your response should be between 2-3 pages.
Please submit your responses to these questions as a word or pdf.
Email to: [email protected]
Email subject AND File name: YourNameSession6