Session 9: Strategic Thinking applied to day-to-day work and decision-making

How can I support our strategic plan?

Your organization’s strategic plan is intended to provide direction to the organization’s activities. This session explores what you can do as a leader/manager to ensure that you integrate your organization’s strategic directions into your daily work, and support others to do the same. What are simple ways to ensure that you and your team are aligned to strategy? How do you nurture strategic mindsets as leader?

Session Feedback

Recording of Webinar Feb 28th 2022

Session 9: Reflection Questions:

  • Analyze the way that the strategic plan was developed in your organization with what you
    have learned about strategic plans? What did you do well as an organization? What can you do
    differently next time?
  • What are 2-3 things that you can do to:
    a. Develop a strategic mindset?
    b. Align your work and the work of your team with your organization’s strategic plan?

Submission Instructions:
Your response should be Maximum 3 pages.
Please submit your responses to these questions as a word or pdf.
Email to: [email protected]
Email subject AND File name: YouNameSession9