Celebrating 20 years with gratitude and looking forward with a new service offering!
“When I started my journey as a leader/manager, I recall moments of reflecting on things that I was learning “on the job”, that courses I’d taken had not prepared me for. I “didn’t know what I didn’t know”!
At CfOE, we have had the privilege of working with hundreds of non-profit, public and charitable organizations over the past 20 years. Working with clients during amazing times of developing new strategies, changing direction, working through organizational redesigns, working on system and community change has been an honour!
As we hit 20 years, and reflecting on how we can contribute and amplify the impact of changing the world for good, we are offering two webinar series to better equip new and emerging leaders and managers.
We’ve had countless conversations with key leaders about wanting to develop something for new and emerging leaders but there is never enough time.
We hope our new series will help.
We also know that time is precious – and people we work with are often stretched beyond stretched. For this reason, we’ve opted for a simple solution that we hope will benefit new & emerging leaders.
The series will offer:
- 1 hour webinars from 12-1pm
- Videos, resources and templates
- Opportunity for any and all leaders to join
- Certificate for those who complete the full series
We are very excited about this new service and hope that you can join us!
If you have any questions about the series please email us at [email protected]
Go here for more information!